How to tame your rewrite rules

TYPES ’19 in Oslo

Jesper Cockx, Théo Winterhalter and Nicolas Tabareau

14 June 2019

Trigger warning

This talk may contain:

  • violations of type safety
  • fire-breathing dragons

Computation: We Are Doing It Wrong

Intentional equality considered harmful

  • It is fragile
  • It is anti-modular
  • It breaks extensibility

The sledgehammer of equality reflection

\[ \frac{\Gamma \vdash e : x =_A y}{\Gamma \vdash x \equiv y} \]

But when to apply this rule?

Should definitional equality be extensible or algorithmic?

Rewrite rules to the rescue!

Rewrite rules in action

Rewrite rules make computation robust

_+_ : Nat  Nat  Nat
zero    + n = n
(suc m) + n = suc (m + n)

+zero : m + 0  m
+zero = 

+suc : m + (suc n)  suc (m + n)
+suc = 

{-# REWRITE +zero +suc #-}

+-comm : (m n : Nat)  m + n  n + m
+-comm zero    n = refl
+-comm (suc m) n = cong suc (+-comm m n)

Rewrite rules make type theory modular

record Monoid (A : Set) : Set where
          : A
    _·_    : A  A  A
    zero-l :  · y  y
    zero-r : x ·   x
    assoc  : (x · y) · z  x · (y · z)
  {-*# REWRITE zero-l assoc #-}  -- (*) WIP

module _ {A : Set} (m : Monoid A) where
  open Monoid m

  test₂ : ((x · ) · y) · ( · z)  x · (y · z)
  test₂ = {!refl!}

Rewrite rules make type theory extensible

  Exception : Set
  raise : {A : Set}  Exception  A
  raise-fun :  e  raise {Π A B} e  λ x  raise {B x} e
{-# REWRITE raise-fun #-}

Taming your rewrite rules

How safe are rewrite rules?

Answer: not very

Breaking type safety in 3.. 2.. 1..

Tame your rewrite rules in two easy steps!

  1. Disallow rewriting of type constructors
  2. Check confluence of rewrite rules

How? Use the options --rewriting and --confluence-check*

(*) Now available in Agda, soon also in Coq!

A non-confluent example

  max : Nat  Nat  Nat
  max-diag  : max m m  m
  max-assoc : max (max k l) m  max k (max l m)

{-# REWRITE max-diag max-assoc #-}

-- ———— Errors ————————————————————————————————————————
-- Confluence check failed: max (max k l) (max k l)
-- reduces to both max k (max l (max k l)) and max k l
-- which are not equal because max l (max k l) != l of
-- type Nat
-- Confluence check failed: max (max k k) m reduces to
-- both max k (max k m) and max k m which are not equal
-- because max k m != m of type Nat


A practical typechecker for MLTT + rewrite rules

Confluence + no rewriting of type constructors give us the following guarantees:

  • Typechecker says yes ⇒ term is type-correct
  • Typechecker says no ⇒ term has type error
  • Typechecker loops ⇒ rules are non-terminating

With termination we regain decidable typechecking


  • Decidable typechecking ☺
  • Anti-modular and anti-experimentation ☹

MLTT + equality reflection

  • Freedom to reflect arbitrary equalities ☺
  • Typechecking requires user input ☹

MLTT + confluent rewrite rules

  • Reflect any confluent rewrite system ☺
  • Typechecking works in practice ☺

Rewrite rules will soon be your best friend!