My Teaching Activities
Current year
TU Delft
- Q3 2024-2025: CSE3100 Functional Programming (course description)
- Q4 2024-2025: CS4565 Advanced Functional Programming (course description)
- Q4 2024-2025: CS4130 Seminar Programming Languages (course description)
Previous years
TU Delft
- Q4 2023-2024: CS4130 Seminar Programming Languages (course description)
- Q1 2023-2024: CS4130 Seminar Programming Languages (course description)
- Q3 2023-2024: CSE3100 Functional Programming (course description)
- Q4 2023-2024: CS4280 Language Based Software Security (course description)
- Q1 2022-2023: CS4130 Seminar Programming Languages (course description)
- Q3 2022-2023: CSE3100 Functional Programming (course description)
- Q4 2022-2023: CS4280 Language Based Software Security (course description)
- Q4 2021-2022: CS4280 Language Based Software Security (course description)
- Q3 2021-2022: CSE3100 Functional Programming (course description)
- Q1 2021-2022: CS4130 Seminar Programming Languages (course description)
- Q4 2020-2021: CS4280 Language Based Software Security (course description)
- Q3 2020-2021: CSE3100 Functional Programming (course description)
- Q1 2020-2021: CS4130 Seminar Programming Languages (course description)
- Q4 2019-2020: CS4106 Static and Dynamic Program Analysis for Software Security (course description)
- Fall 2018: TDA540 Object-Oriented Programming: First-year programming course using Java (course website).
Tutorials and Summer Schools
- Spring 2024: Programming and Proving in Agda at the 2024 edition of ZuriHac (video, lecture notes).
- Summer 2023: Introduction to Agda at the 2023 Advanced Functional Programming Summer School at Utrecht University (slides).
- Summer 2019: Correct-by-construction programming in Agda at the 2019 EUTypes Summer School on Types for Programming and Verification in Ohrid, Macedonia (course material).
PhD students
- Bohdan Liesnikov (started 2021)
- Lucas Escot (started 2021)
- Sára Juhošová (started 2024)
Master and bachelor students
- Maria Khakimova: Improving error messages in Agda
- Bonifacius Geraldo Christiano: Formal verification of optimal graph reduction
- José Carlos Padilla Cancio: A type system for run-time identity functions
- Ewen Broudin-Caradec: Dependent case analysis in Agda Core (internship)
- Ksawery Radziwiłowicz: An evaluation of algorithms for conversion checking (bachelor honors project)
Master students
- Alex Harsani: Embedding Statix in Agda (2023-2024)
- Jakob Naucke: Compiling Dependent Type Preconditions to Runtime Checks With Agda2Hs (2023-2024)
- Luka Janjic: Program synthesis for dependently typed programs (2023-2024)
- Willem Stuijt Giacaman: Can The Language Server Protocol Handle Dependent Types? (2023-2024)
- Kayleigh Lieverse: A generic translation from case trees to eliminators (2023-2024)
- Jonathan Dönszelmann: Language Agnostic Code Exploration Services (2022-2023)
- Jonathan Brouwer: Dependently Typed Languages in Statix (2022-2023)
- Sára Juhošová: Bringing Formal Verification into Widespread Programming Language Ecosystems (2022-2023)
- Lucas Holten: Dependent Type-Checking Modulo Associativity and Commutativity (2022-2023)
- Ivar de Bruin: Improving Agda’s module system (2022-2023)
- Paul van der Stel: Tactics in Agda using Reflection (2021-2022)
- Leander Vignero: Computational Properties of Higher Inductive Types, a Formal Approach in Agda (2016-2017)
- Andreas Nuyts: Towards a directed homotopy type theory based on 4 kinds of variance (2014-2015)
- Toon Nolten: Programming and proving with dependently typed languages (2014-2015)
- Sophie Van Herck: Provably correct metaprogramming for Haskell (2013-2014)